Aptana Studio
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Aptana Studio is a professional, open-source web development IDE. Used by developers ranging in the millions you could say this is one of the industry favorites. Aptana provides many features including a direct connection to your web host so once you save your HTML, of PHP whatever you are using, file it is immediately uploaded to the web host. This feature cuts out having other apps open for uploading to your web host.
Aptana Studio is developed and maintained by Aptana Inc. Aptana Inc provides a lot of other products but, for now, let’s stick to Studio. Aptana Studio supports many JavaScript libraries with jQuery being the most popular. The next feature is code assistance. This means while typing in function it will provide you a list of eligible arguments. The same goes for Objects and their potential methods. FTP and SFTP have both been mentioned above but let’s go through it again. First you would type in your login info and the required info for Aptana Studio to find your host. Then you find and go into any files that need to be edited for the website. Once opened churn away and save. All changes should be uploaded to the host within seconds. Finally, it provides a JavaScript debugger but is only available for FireFox on the community edition, If you need Internet Explorer then you will need to purchase the Pro version.
Then come the plugins. Aptana Studio can work with some plugins like Emmet, this adds more to the functionality of Aptana Studio like developing an entire HTML file structure with one line.
In conclusion, Aptana Studio is your everyday IDE with a focus on web development. It has useful features such as FTP/SFTP and can also be “upgraded” with plugins like Emmet. It can increase productivity by a decent margin so I would recommend this tool.
Size: 129.06MB