github: https://github.com/h3imdall/ftp-remote-edit/releases/tag/v0.16.0
The latest update with ftp-remote-edit is a BIG one in my opinion. Anyone who has used the awesome little package ftp-remote-edit quickly understand how useful this extension is. It’s used daily here in the office. One of the major drawbacks is that you need to manually setup each connection server. This isn’t that big a deal, unless you are constantly installing the application on multiple computers.
That was true up until a few moments ago when I received an upgrade notification. The latest version (v0.16.0) has added an import feature. This is a HUGE time saver. Now you can import from Filezilla your different server information.
The list of enhancements include:
@cschindl cschindl released this 7 hours ago
- Feature request: “Add tab order/index on ‘Edit Servers'” (issue-279)
- Feature request: “Import from FileZilla” (issue-49)
- Enhancement: Import from FileZilla, Remote-ftp, PHP Storm config file (PR-272)
- Enhancement: Small correction for temp servers – keep them after adding one to config (PR-285)
- Enhancement: Allow to select default path for download and upload (PR-286)
- Enhancement: Add migration from outdated ftp-remote-edit-plus package

If you are constantly editing files on remote ftp servers, take a look at this atom.io extension.